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时间:2021-09-05 00:46:06  来源:  作者:网络转载

原标题:Witness CIFTIS|Features: Italian Outdoor Brands at The Winter Sports Expo

"The primary task of this exhibition is to seek partners." Said Gu Aiqing on September 3, in Hall 7A of Shougang Park. Gu is the product manager of Ferrino, an Italian outdoor sports brand. He is also the epitome of 20 Italian exhibitors who participate. As the guest country of honor of the World Winter Sports (Beijing) Expo, not only Italian companies, but also the Italian National Tourist Board (ENIT) and Regione Veneto have set up booths in the Shougang Park.

From ski suits, skis, to helmets and goggles, Beijing Business Today reporter saw a wide range of Italian outdoor products at the Italian exhibition area. This year, the theme of the Italian exhibition is "Italian Mountain Lifestyle", interpreted by Gianpaolo Bruno, director of the Italian Trade Agency (ITA, Beijing Office) and coordinator of ITA in China and Mongolia, as the exhibition will help all the visitors to taste the flavors of the lifestyle of living in the Italian mountains.

Indeed, the Italian mountainous geographical features have created its unique outdoor culture. The Alps, for example, nourishes the sports industry, which generates about 250 billion euros a year and accounts for more than 15% of Italian GDP. Nearly 900 sports-related companies are also in this region, 198 of which are related to mountain sports. Sports equipment, winter sportswear, and footwear generate nearly 6 billion euros a year, with more than 60% coming from exports.

When the Italian outdoor brands think about the overseas market, they keep an eye on China.

On the one hand, the bond of the Winter Olympics has brought the two countries closer cooperation in the ice-snow industry. On the other hand, outdoor sports like camping and skiing have gradually become popular among young people in China. Data shows that in the first five months of 2021, 6,941 new campground-related companies have been established nationwide, with an increase of 286.5% year on year. Additionally, ski resorts and parks have become more common in urban areas.

Nick Zhou, the exhibitor, brings two outdoor clothing brands, Larix and Central Projectsport. He introduced that both brands’ positions are in the middle and high level, mainly promoting skiwear and other outdoor clothing. At present, both brands are applying for registration in China. He also said that his expectation was to seek partners for this exhibition. "Shougang Park is larger, every theme displays concentratedly, which helps to attract targeted audiences easily."

It is worth noting that in addition to apparel and footwear, the Italian companies also exhibit snow-making machines and ice equipment that have served six consecutive Winter Olympics and will continue to supply the Beijing Winter Olympics; sports field equipment that has been designated as the official supplier for 11 consecutive Olympic; and the world's most comprehensive snow clearing machines and tracked vehicles. Even if you are wondering how to organize an outdoor event, organizations with event organizing experience are on show in the exhibition area.

From a pair of ski socks, to a piece of sports flooring, to an outdoor competition, it can be said that the Italian exhibition area presents the whole chain of the outdoor field.

In addition, visitors who want to travel online can also pay attention to the booths of ENIT and Regione Veneto. Regione Veneto is the region that receives the largest number of tourists in Italy, with nine regions within its borders. Moreover, the UNESCO World Heritage List also includes Regione Veneto. Cristiano Varotti, the representative of ENIT in China, also introduced Italian tourism resources on the same day. In his points of view, in the post-epidemic era of the global tourism industry, tourists will pay more attention to sustainability, to get in touch with nature, as well as to safety.

“We have reasons to believe that these trends will be confirmed when Chinese tourists resume their trips abroad. Moreover, Italy fulfills all the demands and can certainly become the favorite destination for Chinese tourists and even for Chinese mountain lovers.” Said Cristiano Varotti.

Back to the construction of trade between China and Italy, nowadays in China, nearly 2,000 Italian companies have landed and operated. Meanwhile, more than 700 Chinese companies have also settled in Italy. In 2020, Italian "Export Revitalization Plan" especially prioritized the Chinese market. "The event not only promotes the development of Italian companies in Italy and China, but also gives Italy a chance to contribute to the participation of 300 million people in winter skiing in China." Said Gianpaolo Bruno.

Beijing Business Today writers Cheng Mingjie and Zhao Boyu;

Chen Xuzheng contributed to the translation游戏网



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