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时间:2020-12-16 18:21:58  来源:  作者:网络转载

原标题:Winter snow and sea of clouds appear together in Huangshan

Huangshan scenic spot in Anhui Province has recently ushered in the first heavy snow of this winter. After the snow, Huangshan mountain looks like a fairy tale world wrapped in snow. On December 15, there was a beautiful and shocking sea of clouds, which attracted tourists from the mountain and called it a worthwhile trip. The sea of clouds and winter snow are among the "five wonders" of Huangshan Mountain. The two kinds of landscapes appear at the same time, adding a lot of color to Huangshan Mountain in winter. The towering peaks are covered with white snow of varying depths, adding to the chilling majesty. The snow on the mountain is spreading along thousands of pines and thousands of stones. The collision of black and white is publicized in the sun. A Chinese ink painting is in front of us. The sea of clouds on the hillside, connecting the mountains and the sky, decorates the whole Huangshan into a fairyland of Penglai. Chen Bing, a photographer from Tianjin, has known Huangshan from primary school textbooks and TV for a long time. Today, she is still amazed by the beautiful scenery. He said in surprise, "people can feel its towering when standing at the foot of the mountain. The winter snow in Huangshan Mountain has the typical characteristics of Chinese landscape painting. In my opinion, it is the feeling of a person swimming in the painting. On the side of the stream is Ruixue. Between the snow and the stream, I think of a poem -" the moon shines between the pines, and the clear spring rocks flow up. "This feeling is particularly good. Tourists in the south are even more excited to see the snow. Yang Jinxia, from Xiamen, said, "I have always been looking forward to the snow scenery of Huangshan Mountain. I have visited Huangshan Mountain in the past summer, but I want to experience different scenery. The snow scenery of Huangshan Mountain is very beautiful. I really want to cheer when I see it. Huangshan is so beautiful!" (Photo by Duan Xuefeng)

On December 15, after the snow in Huangshan, clouds linger in the mountains, like a fairyland in heaven. (Photo by Yao Yuqing)

On December 15, after the snow in Huangshan, the snow spreads along the thousands of pines and thousands of stones. Under the sun, the collision of black and white is publicized, just like a Chinese ink painting. (Photo by Wang Xinping)

On December 15, tourists who came to enjoy the snow scenery in Huangshan started the "selfie mode". (Photo by Mei Jian)

On December 15, tourists enjoy the sea of clouds in Huangshan Mountain after snow. (Photo by Liu Honghe)游戏网




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