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时间:2021-08-20 18:14:32  来源:  作者:网络转载

原标题:Picturesque terraced fields harvest time

Cascading terraced fields wind through the hills

Autumn wind, fragrance of grain.In golden autumn, thousands of mu of terraced fields in Shanggu Village, Shahe Town, Gao County, Yibin city, Sichuan Province ushered in the harvest season.

More than 100 layers of terraced fields, built along the mountain, layer upon layer, scattered, from the mountain cloud tumbling down to the bottom of the mountain, spectacular.

Early in the morning, the sun climbs the hill along the terraced fields, shining with gold.

Looking ahead, the terraced fields bathed in the morning light are golden in color.

The autumn wind rises, heavy rice ears sway against the wind, rice waves roll, rice fragrance diffused in the mountains.

Fields and ridges, rural roads and green mountains interweave with each other, and neat folk houses set off among them, drawing the outline of a colorful, well-structured harvest picture.

The ancient terraced fields have a long history. For thousands of years, people have been working hard on this land, constantly adapting to and transforming nature. Through comprehensive land management in the whole region, mountain terraced fields have been built, transforming mountain weaknesses into advantages, and turning thousands of mu of barren mountains into fertile fields.

The layers of terraced fields are not only an important part of the local farming history, but also a reflection of the diligence and wisdom of shanggu village people.

Due to geographical constraints, the terraced fields developed along the mountain are small and not suitable for agricultural machinery cultivation. The ancient terraced fields still retain traditional farming methods.

With a good ecological environment, a large temperature difference between day and night and a long planting cycle in the mountainous area, the "Shanggu Rice" produced here has a strong fragrance, glittering and soft, and is deeply loved by consumers.

In recent years, the village has taken the express train of Internet economy. By building a rural e-commerce platform, "Shanggu Rice" has become a hot agricultural product on the e-commerce website, walking out of the mountains, further broadening the channels for villagers to increase their income, and injecting new vitality into the rural revitalization.

Heavy ears of grain

Villagers harvest rice in terraced fields

Shanggu Terrace at harvest time

The terraced fields in the golden autumn season are brightly colored and distinctly layered

The whole view of Shanggu terraced fields

The terraces are golden in color

The terraces are a spectacular sight

[责任编辑: WPY ] 游戏网




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