









1. 玩呗麻将登录就送大量游戏金币,玩牌更能获得土豪大奖!

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"Playing mahjong" is a mahjong game with local characteristics. It has exquisite game pictures, gorgeous props and special effects. Tens of thousands of people are online every day. Players can play the game easily without waiting. Regular rules of the game and humorous voice interaction of the game make every game full of joy. Friends who like mahjong will not be disappointed.

Playing mahjong

"Playing mahjong" features:

1. If you play mahjong, you will be sent a lot of gold coins. Playing cards will win the local tyrant award!

2. There are various ways to play. There are hundreds of millions of bonus pools for free. It's amazing!

3. Beautiful introduction to the game, luxurious visual experience, real Las Vegas experience!

4. Professional top anti cheating system, let you feel fair, just, open master duel!

Playing mahjong

Highlights of playing Mahjong:

1. Characteristic mahjong game, gathered all kinds of local elements, played very familiar;

2. After all, the bloody battle is extremely exciting. It's very easy to play with one key of Hu card;

3. All kinds of play methods, poor welfare, fun can invite friends;

4. Crazy competition to gain experience, simple rules waiting for you to play at any time.

Playing mahjong

How to play mahjong:

Shuffle: turn all the mahjong cards upside down. Four players rub their hands together to move the cards. It's called "shuffle" or "shuffle mahjong", which means playing mahjong.

Code card: after the mahjong cards are evenly shuffled, each player codes 36 cards, and two cards are stacked together to form a pier, each of which is 18 pier, and the code card wall is placed in front of his door, and the four card walls are connected to form a square.

Licensing: if there is wind dice in mahjong, you can first locate who rolls the dice first, who rolls to, who will sit in the villa and continue to roll two dice. The total number of points obtained is the licensing base. Take the dealer as the first, count points in the counter clockwise direction, and the position of counting points is the card wall of the opening card. Then from the right to the left according to the number of times to the same pier with the points, the dealer starts to grasp four cards, and the next one starts to grasp the cards in clockwise order, until each person grabs 12 cards in total three times, then the dealer jumps (every other pier) to grasp the upper two cards, and the other grabs one card in turn. The dealer has 14 cards, the others each have 13. The dealer plays first.

Licensing: licensing is the process of playing cards. Starting from the dealer playing the first card, the process includes grabbing, playing, eating, touching, opening the bar (open bar, dark bar), making up the cards, until the cards are mixed or not (no one wins or loses).

Touch cards: if there are two or three cards in your hand, someone will give the same card. No matter which seat you can touch the card, you need to call "touch" in your mouth to remind others that you need to touch the card (the line will be interrupted). If you touch four cards, you can also touch a card at the end of the card (this is called the bar card). The next player continues to touch and play cards.

Eat cards: the upper house plays cards, the lower house can eat cards. If other people touch this card, the lower house can't eat this card. Instead of touching the cards, you should point the cards you eat across to the upper house to show the difference. In some places, you will punish the upper house who feeds (including touching) the cards three times. If the lower house wins, the upper house will pay the chips.

Manage cards: after touching the cards, you need to manage and review the cards: sort out the cards in your hands, arrange them in order, and examine the card trend. Mend: if you have a card in your hand, you can mend it, that is, take a card from the end of the card wall. If it is still a card, you can make up again. Finally, don't forget to play. No matter what the reason is, more or less cards, then the player will have no chance to win any more cards. It is commonly known as "to be fair" and can only continue to play with the other three.

Wind direction card: in some mahjong game regulations, three wind direction cards are equivalent to one flower (increase points), if there are four wind direction cards (the same card face) Mingpai, equivalent to two flower points, if you touch four wind direction cards (commonly known as dark bars), the points can also be increased (you can also touch another card at the end of the card wall).

Clear one color: if the card face is a combination of one color (cylinder, rope, character), this kind of card is called clear one color. Points can be quadrupled. For example, there are 1112345678999 ten thousand word cards (commonly known as nine lotus lamp), which is even the same color.

Mix one color: compared with clear one color, if there is wind direction card in hand, it is called mix one color card. If there is wind direction card in hand, the points of mix one color card can be doubled. Therefore, if you are not a regular card player, you can consult clear regulations before playing, so as to avoid mistakes. If three are the same and two are the same, it is called collision sum.

Listen to the cards: when the thirteen cards in your hand have been put together into useful cards, you only need to add the fourteenth card to get the cards together. This state is called the stage of listening to the cards. If all three groups of cards have appeared after eating and touching, then there is only one card left. If you win, the points will double.

Winning card: the general standard of winning card is that three combinations (three of the same, or three of the same), plus two of the same (commonly known as trump) cards, that is, winning card.

Comments on the editor of playing Mahjong:

This mahjong game can remind you of the taste of hometown. It's authentic playing method and rich voice system. You can get a lot of rewards every day when you check in.

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