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时间:2022-04-18 15:49:33  来源:  作者:网络转载

原标题:German customs clearance company

Once the goods are detained, the seller not only faces the trouble of running out of stock, but also may end up in a situation where both money and goods are empty. The first is to analyze the reasons for the German customs deduction. Because the customs regulations of each country and region are different. If the goods are detained in Germany, the relevant customs department will give you an explanation. There must be a reason for the deduction. The sender or recipient must cooperate with the customs and provide relevant documents.

The process of customs clearance in Germany - From the point of view of the import process, a local representative office is neither necessary nor useful as the actual import process can be done by the carrier.

Chinese companies are free to sell most of their goods and export to Germany. Importing and subject to customs clearance is the responsibility of the buyer.

Foreign companies may need to use local German storage and freight facilities. Most of the well-known carriers and courier service providers offer logistics services of this nature.

Employees of foreign exporters who wish to be stationed in Germany, or German agents who wish to appoint, are likely to meet the definition of a "permanent establishment" in relation to a double taxation treaty and thus be subject to tax and customs clearance in Germany.

Reasons for German customs to detain - 1. Many companies who cannot clear customs in Germany go to the express channel UPS, usually because there is no VAT tax number or EORI number.

Fedex basically does not accept goods whose recipients are amazon, which will cause no one to pay the tariff and avoid unnecessary trouble.

2: The customs detained the goods for customs clearance, the declaration is too low, or the name of the goods in a single box, the quantity is not declared truthfully, and the declared value is inconsistent with the estimated value

3: The product does not meet the certification required by the EU, such as CE certification

How to deal with different reasons for deduction in Germany:

1. If the declared value is too low, the customs will be deducted, and the goods will be taken out from the customs after paying the customs duties.

2. For goods with incomplete procedures, such as personal import, the customs requires the right to import, and find a company with the right to deduct the customs clearance.

3. If relevant certification procedures are required, if it can be provided, it will be provided to the customs. If it cannot be provided, the goods will not be cleared.

4. You can apply to the customs for the return of goods. According to international practice, goods that cannot be cleared through customs can be returned to the place of origin or a third-party trade port. If the application is received, it can be returned.

We can provide German separate customs clearance information, German FBA customs clearance information, German Amazon FBA customs clearance alone

1. German customs clearance agents can be provided (Amazon has a responsible agency)

2. Tariffs can be paid on your behalf (Amazon generally has relatively few tariffs, so many people used to send FBA warehouses directly, but now it is strictly checked, and it may be necessary to pay tariffs, we can help you)





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