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时间:2021-07-19 11:04:40  来源:  作者:网络转载

原标题:Developing countries condemn systematic racism and racial discrimination targeting Africans and Asians

On July 12, at the 47th conference of the United Nations Human Rights Council dialogue about protecting the human rights of Africans and African descents, several developing countries blamed systematic racism and racial discrimination and called on the international community to step up efforts to combat discrimination and violence against Africans and Asians.

Verónica Michelle Bachelet Jeria, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, stated that systematic racism and racial discrimination have worsened the inequalities facing Africans and their descents, which has made them marginalized in economic, social, and political lives. Several cases, including George Floyd and Breonna Taylor in the US, Kevin Clarke in the UK, and Adama Traore in France, indicate that systematic racism and racial discrimination exist in the law enforcement systems in those countries. The excessive use of force by some governments against peaceful anti-racist protests has suppressed the voices of African descents and anti-racists. The countries that profited from slavery, the transatlantic slave trade, and the colonial system rejecting to admit their historical responsibility is an important reason for rampant racism and racist violence. The relevant countries should take substantial measures to change discriminatory mechanisms, investigate racist crimes, and provide compensation for the victims in order to realize racial equity and justice as soon as possible.

Ambassador Chen Xu, Permanent Representative of China to the UN in Geneva, who spoke on behalf of more than 50 countries, stated that this year marks the 20th anniversary of the "Durban Declaration and Programme of Action". There is still a long way to go for the international community to fight against racism, racial discrimination, exclusionism, and corresponding behaviors of intolerance. Multilateral human rights institutions should take measures to address systematic racism and structural racial discrimination fundamentally to eliminate the historical legacies including slavery, transatlantic slave trade, colonialism, and labor trafficking. During the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, some political and public figures have made racist comments and incited violence, racial discrimination, xenophobic mentality, and Islamic phobia, which led to increasing discrimination and hate crimes against Africans, Asians, and their descents, especially females and children. The international community should step up efforts to combat racial discrimination and hate crimes against Asians and their descents, supervise and urge political and public figures to stop making racist comments, and fully guarantee the rights of Asians and Asian descents. Multilateral human rights institutions should pay close attention to the questions above and consider taking appropriate actions.

The Chinese representative pointed out in the national statement that Africans and African descents are still in the face of systematic racism and racial discrimination in the US, UK, Canada, and EU countries, and suffering serious discrimination and violence under the law enforcement and judiciaries, therefore justice cannot be served. In recent years, discrimination and hate crimes against Asians and Asian descents in such countries have rapidly increased, which are closely linked to the seditious speeches by some politicians and media. The international community should not ignore systematic racial discrimination and let Africans, Asians, and their descents continue to be harmed by discrimination and violence.

The African Group, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Group of Arab States, the Gulf Cooperation Council, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Indonesia, Vietnam, Belarus, and others have condemned systematic racism and racial discrimination, urged the relative countries to fully and effectively implement the "Durban Declaration and Programme of Action", eliminate the historical legacies including slavery, transatlantic slave trade, and colonialism, end police violence, ban language that incite racial discrimination, and to effectively protect human rights for all, including Africans, Asians, their descents and the aborigines.

[责任编辑: WXY ] 游戏网



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