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时间:2021-06-27 16:28:51  来源:  作者:网络转载

原标题:"To understand China, one has to first understand the Communist Party of China" - Foreign Diplomats in China Toured the Exhibition on the History of the CPC

(Source: Xinhua)

On the morning of June 24, 2021, Wang Yi, State Councilor and Foreign Minister of China, invited over a hundred diplomats and representatives of international organizations on a tour to the exhibition featuring the history of the CPC in the theme of “staying true to the Party’s original aspiration and its founding mission”.

Wang Yi said that to understand China, one has to first understand the Communist Party of China, and to study the history of New China, one betters starts with the history of the CPC as without it, the People’s Republic of China wouldn’t take shape, and without the CPC, the great undertakings of socialism with Chinese characteristics wouldn’t achieve such great success. There’s no party in the world that is like the Communist Party of China who always adheres to its founding mission of struggling for the happiness of the its people and the rejuvenation of the country. The CPC has stayed true to such noble mission for a hundred years. And there is no political party in the world that’s like the CPC, who is forever committed to exploring a revolutionary and development path fitting China’s own conditions. For a hundred years, the CPC has fought one generation after another for the betterment of its people. No political party in the world is like the CPC who stays closely together and weathers through storms with the people for a hundred years. There’s no other party in the world that’s like the CPC, who pays such high attention to party building and dares to challenge itself, and for a hundred years the CPC has maintained its strength and vitality no matter how the times change.

Wang Yi quoted from General Secretary Xi Jinping and said, “as we march ahead, we should never forget the journey we have traveled”. The exhibition introduces the extraordinary journey the CPC has walked over the past one hundred years, and it demonstrates the historical, theoretical and social rationale behind China’s development over a century. Wang hoped that visitors to the exhibition could feel more strongly why history and the Chinese people had chosen the CPC, the socialist path with Chinese characteristics and the independent foreign policy of peace.

The Communist Party of China is a political party striving for the cause of human progress, said Wang Yi, “Standing at a new starting point in history, China will work with all countries in the world and fight tirelessly for a community of shared future for mankind”.

More than one hundred foreign envoys and representatives of international organizations in China toured the exhibition. They listened carefully to the introductions and saw the precious artifacts, pictures, and models that reproduced the glorious history of the Chinese Communist Party in the past century, and they kept nodding their heads in praise during the tour. The envoys congratulated the CPC on its 100th anniversary, spoke highly of its extraordinary achievements and expressed their sincere desire to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the CPC and further develop relations with China. The envoys said that the ruling philosophy and experience of the Communist Party of China in governance are worth learning from. It is believed that under the strong leadership of the CPC, China will realize its second centenary goal and make new and greater contributions to world peace and development, and to the great cause of human progress.

Military attachés and commercial counsellors of foreign embassies to China also toured the exhibition with Wang Yi.

[责任编辑: Liu Jiaming ] 游戏网




原标题:"To understand China, one has to first understand the Communist Party of China" - Foreign Diplomats in China Toured the Exhibition on the Hi详情>>

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日期: 2021-06-27

原标题:"To understand China, one has to first understand the Communist Party of China" - Foreign Diplomats in China Toured the Exhibition on the Hi详情>>

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日期: 2021-06-27

原标题:"To understand China, one has to first understand the Communist Party of China" - Foreign Diplomats in China Toured the Exhibition on the Hi详情>>

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日期: 2021-06-27

原标题:"To understand China, one has to first understand the Communist Party of China" - Foreign Diplomats in China Toured the Exhibition on the Hi详情>>

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