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时间:2021-05-19 17:16:34  来源:  作者:网络转载

原标题:Mobile phone becomes "new farm tool" live broadcast becomes "new farm work"

A panoramic view of Yangjia Village, Hezi Town, Anyuan County, taken by drone on May 16. The village is a well-known e-commerce village.

In recent years, Anyuan County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province has vigorously developed the e-commerce industry. E-commerce has become an opportunity for local farmers to increase their incomes. Mobile phones have become the "new farm tools" for farmers, and opening online stores and live streaming have become "new farm activities." At present, there are more than 20,000 e-commerce practitioners in the county, and more than 50 million catties of special agricultural products are plugged into the "e-commerce wings" and fly out of the mountains every year. (Photo by Tao Ming/ Xinhua News )

On May 14, villagers from Yangjia, Hezi Town, Anyuan County drove past the village by bicycle. Advertisements encouraging farmers to develop e-commerce can be seen everywhere in the local villages. (Photo by Lan Hongguang/Xinhua News )

On May 14, the shuttle robot operated on the low-altitude ropeway in Yangjia Village, Hezi Town. In 2020, Anyuan County launched the "Village-to-village" express line of smart transportation, which solved the current rural logistics needs such as "small batches, multiple batches, and instant delivery", and opened up the "first kilometer" of agricultural products leaving the village and entering the city. (Photo by Tao Ming/ Xinhua News )

On May 14, the shuttle robot operated on the low-altitude ropeway in Yangjia Village, Hezi Town. In 2020, Anyuan County launched the "Village-to-village" express line of smart transportation, which solved the current rural logistics needs such as "small batches, multiple batches, and instant delivery", and opened up the "first kilometer" of agricultural products leaving the village and entering the city.

On May 14, the sender and receiver of Yangjia Village, Hezi Town, Anyuan County received the villagers’express mail on the Zhiyun Express.

On May 14, the sender and receiver of Yangjia Village, Hezi Town, Anyuan County was receiving the shipment of villagers’ agricultural products.

On May 14, employees of Dongjiang E-commerce Group in Anyuan County delivered goods on Zhiyun Express in Hezi Town.

On May 14, Ye Na, the anchor of agricultural products in Hezi Town, Anyuan County, introduced local specialties.

On May 14, employees of Dongjiang E-commerce Group in Anyuan County ordered the villagers’ daily necessities on the Zhiyun Express Line in Hezi Town to sweep orders and distribute them.

On May 14, e-commerce practitioners in Hezi Town, Anyuan County introduced local specialties live on the 5G live broadcast base. Local villagers only need to bring their mobile phones to live broadcast at the base.

On May 14, e-commerce practitioners in Hezi Town, Anyuan County introduced local specialties live on the 5G live broadcast base. Local villagers only need to bring their mobile phones to live broadcast at the base.

On May 16, Guo Yanting (left), a practitioner of New Era Civilization in Yangjia Village, Hezi Town, Anyuan County, led the villagers to teach live broadcast techniques in the vegetable greenhouse in the village. More than 200 villagers in the village have used the live broadcast platform to promote the village's agricultural and sideline products. Since 2015, the Anyuan County E-commerce Service Center has hired professional e-commerce instructors to provide villagers with free e-commerce training, allowing more and more farmers to join the e-commerce live broadcast team.

[责任编辑: 张舟 ] 游戏网




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