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时间:2021-05-17 08:17:26  来源:  作者:网络转载














This T—shirt could both heat and cool their wearer

It can be frustrating to think about one’s dress code in May of Guangzhou, when the temperature outdoor is over 35 degrees,and the air-con is freezingly cold in the office or other indoor?area. the T-shirt that you initially put on to keep you cool starts making you too cold. Clothes made from an experimental new reversible fabric, however, could both heat and cool their wearer.

A team of Chinese researchers from Zhejiang University and Westlake University have developed a remarkable new fabric dubbed Janus, and they demonstrated it working inside a T-shirt. The paper on the study was recently published in the journal Nano Letters.

Flipped one way, Janus reflects the heat of the sun and keeps you 6 degrees cooler than a typical white cotton shirt. Flipped the other way, it traps warming solar radiation against your skin and keeps you 8.1 degrees warmer than a black cotton shirt.

All in all, this fabric offers about a 14-degree difference in how you feel just by the way you wear it.

How can this possibly work?

The shirt is made of layers of polymer and cotton fibers, engineered with special structures and coatings.

On the warm side, the material is covered in zinc and copper nanoparticles, which absorb solar energy. It’s basically a solar panel, but instead of turning sunlight into electricity, it turns sunlight into heat. This warm side even works at night, albeit to a lesser degree, when it can warm your skin by 5 degrees.

On the cool side, the fabric is covered with an extremely thin layer of aluminum. This surface still looks like fabric, but the aluminum reflects light like a mirror, so all that solar energy that would stick around as heat bounces right off your shirt. This layer is also porous, allowing steam to evaporate.

The researchers demonstrated that the shirt can actually harness power. By embedding a thermoelectric generator inside the Janus fabric, it can produce electricity, thanks to the difference in temperature between the hot and cold sides. It’s less than a watt of power. But it’s still a meaningful amount of energy that scientists imagine could power all sorts of small sensors.

More practical than you think

Janus is more than a neat technical concept. The researchers demonstrated that it could be practical to bring to market, too. The fabric is economical to produce and it can even go into the washing machine (Janus loses a bit of its cooling efficiency after five washes, but so little that its wearer wouldn’t notice).

Given that the world is only getting warmer, the researchers conclude that wearing high-tech fabrics like Janus could save us considerable greenhouse emissions from heating and cooling while making outdoor environments more conducive to life and work.

采写:实习生 郭文伊 南都记者 蒋模婷游戏网




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