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时间:2021-01-15 18:21:30  来源:  作者:网络转载

原标题:Under the epidemic, railroad people stick to it differently

Organize nucleic acid tests for on-duty employees in Xinle line workshop. Photo by Liu Wei

At the beginning of the new year in 2021, a new crown pneumonia epidemic broke out in Shijiazhuang. Gaocheng District was listed as the only high-risk area in the country. The Xinle Line Workshop in Baoding Public Works Section, which is responsible for the equipment maintenance of the 210km to 257.500km line bridge on the Beijing-Guangzhou line, is located away from Gaocheng District. Less than 10 kilometers, the pressure of epidemic prevention and control is huge, and completely closed management has been implemented, and all foreigners are prohibited from entering.

There are 96 cadres and employees in the Xinle line workshop, of which 73 are on the job and stick to the front line, and 23 are self-isolated at home. With the continuous upgrading of local prevention and control policies, they are facing the triple pressure of preventing and controlling the epidemic, ensuring transportation safety, and ensuring the lives of employees.

In order to win this sudden encounter, the Baoding Public Works Section quickly held a special meeting to study and deploy. In response to the actual situation of insufficient workshop material reserves due to road closures due to the epidemic, on the basis of fully studying and judging various risks, it was decided to organize rail cars to use railway transportation. The line delivers necessary materials such as vegetables, fruits, meat, and alcohol-based fuels to the workshop to ensure the quality of life of the employees.

It was cold and windy in the early morning of January 10. The rail material platform of the power equipment workshop of Baoding Public Works Section was crowded with people and the atmosphere was warm. On one side, the workers lifted, moved, piled up, and after a while, meat, vegetables, fruits, fuel and other materials were all loaded into the designated location of the rail car.

Workers use rail cars to transport meat, vegetables and fruits. Photo by Shen Chao

On the other hand, in order to ensure the safety of personnel during the epidemic prevention and control period, they actively implement daily disinfection protection when all nucleic acid tests are negative. At the same time, the vehicles will be inspected one by one in an all-round way in combination with various inspection points to ensure the basis for vehicle travel.

At this time, in the conference room of the office building of the Baoding Power Equipment Workshop, the employees of the third railway car area are intensively explaining today's transportation tasks, daily preaching of epidemic prevention, travel routes, and detailed arrangements of safe operation items.

"Isolation is not separated from love, and the city is not sealed! Today, we are going to open a "retrograde special train" for the brothers in the Xinle workshop. Everyone must protect themselves and strictly implement the operating standards for one trip to ensure safety and punctuality. Bring the supplies to the Xinle brothers to warm their hearts and stomachs!" Shen Chao, director of Baoding Power Workshop, is making the final mobilization.

"Guaranteed to complete the task" everyone replied in unison.

At 10:00, the retrograde list was posted.

At this moment, the Xinle line workshop, 100 kilometers away, has already begun a tense and busy day. They must not only focus on epidemic prevention and control, but also strictly control the quality of equipment. In the face of the sudden epidemic, the Xinle line workshop has clearly defined part of the work, implemented cadre guarantees for key work areas, and strictly required each work area to implement various systems. Every morning, the workshop needs to report internally the situation of each team, and count the health status of the workshop personnel, report the body temperature twice a day, and promptly kill the engineering vehicles returned from the operation, toilets, water rooms, bathroom, kitchen , Meeting rooms and trash cans, etc., spray disinfectant in all directions, adhere to four times a day for regular environmental disinfection and three times of ventilation, and make records.

Workers in this section kill and kill transportation vehicles. Photo by Liu Wei

In order to strictly control the spread of the epidemic and take the initiative, they have laid down a series of strict prevention and control measures among all the staff on duty. Wearing masks is a political discipline and regularly disinfects office areas and kitchens.

The staff organizes the technical backbone to analyze the daily car alarm. Photo by Liu Wei

In order to ensure the stability of equipment during the epidemic prevention and control period, the Xinle line workshop organized technical backbones to analyze on-board alarms on a daily basis, combined with track inspection car drawings to accurately locate key diseases, and make full use of night skylights to implement renovations. At the same time, in order to avoid the prevention and control of the epidemic and road closures that would cause unsolicited personnel to cross the outdoors and cause off-road safety, the Xinle line workshop established an external environmental inspection team to strengthen the surrounding environment of the line, and discourage those found to have crossed the protective net and circulated in private. , Has fulfilled different responsibilities for epidemic prevention and control.

Employees check the quality of line equipment. Photo by Liu Wei

"At this critical moment, when we guard the main artery, we are contributing to epidemic prevention!" said Wan Pengju, director of the Xinle line workshop.

At 14:30, the "retrograde train" arrived at Xinle Station.

Workers unload materials such as meat, vegetables, fruits and fuel. Photo by Shen Chao

Workers unload materials such as meat, vegetables, fruits and fuel. Photo by Shen Chao

Workers unload materials such as meat, vegetables, fruits and fuel. Photo by Shen Chao

"Unexpectedly, we opened a special train for us." "The delivery is not as expensive as the delivery. This solves our worries." Facing the "retrograde car" filled with pork, fruit and fresh vegetables, the Xinle line workshop The employees were happy, and they were full of praise while moving things.

There is no winter that cannot be overtaken, and there is no spring that will not come. In the face of the epidemic, they "leave their homes for everyone" and take the initiative to fight and stick to their posts to ensure smooth transportation; they "retrograde", overcome difficulties, eliminate dangers, and warm up Sent to the heart, they are just a microcosm of the battle of the railway people on the scene. They have a common belief in their hearts to hold on to their posts, escort the smooth green transportation of railway, and contribute our own strength to win the epidemic prevention war.

[责任编辑: 王培尧 ] 游戏网



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