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Intangibleculturalheritage ofChina:fruitpitcarving_is

时间:2020-12-10 16:08:17  来源:  作者:网络转载

原标题:Intangible cultural heritage of China: fruit pit carving

Fruit pit carving is a precious intangible cultural heritage of China that has enjoyed a history of more than a thousand years. In modern days, craftsmen who can master this skill are rarely found. Xiao Guoyou from Longchang, Neijiang City, southwest China’s Sichuan Province, is a self-taught master of fruit pit carving. All of his works are elaborate accessories featuring traditional Chinese cultural symbols made of fruit pits.

Photo taken on Dec. 7, 2020 shows that Xiao Guoyou carves on an olive pit under a magnifying glass at his handicraft studio in Sichuan Province. (Huang Zhenghua/Guangming Picture)

Xiao Guoyou is 45 years old this year. He had a passion for painting since he was a child and started to learn charcoal painting after graduating from junior high school. Later, he was engaged with stone carving, wood carving, fruit pit carving, etc.

Photo taken on Dec. 7, 2020 shows that Xiao Guoyou is making root carving artworks. (Huang Zhenghua/Guangming Picture)

“In all, it has been nearly 20 years since I entered the carving industry,” Xiao Guoyou recalled. However, his real journey of fruit pit carving only started three years ago by a chance, when Xiao Guoyou saw a live broadcast of fruit pit carving and was so amazed by its charm. Fruit pit carving opened his eyes and rooted in his heart. He therefore followed his enthusiasm to learn about the skills.

Photo taken on Dec. 7, 2020 shows the fruit pit carving artworks created by Xiao Guoyou. (Huang Zhenghua/Guangming Picture)

“If you have carving experience, it will be faster to get started,” said Xiao Guoyou. At the beginning, he spent a lot of time learning and researching about this form of art, and sometimes even forgot to eat. After more than three months, he completed his first work.

Photo taken on Dec. 7, 2020 shows that Xiao Guoyou carves on olive pits. (Huang Zhenghua/Guangming Picture)

It is known that the making process of fruit pit carving is basically similar with other kinds of carving. The general steps mainly include material selection, rough embryo processing, fine carving, and polishing. “When selecting the materials, olive pits are mostly preferred. The bigger, thicker, more red-coloured and plumper one always comes as the first choice.”

Photo taken on Dec. 7, 2020 shows the various tools used for fruit pit carving. (Huang Zhenghua/Guangming Picture)

Xiao Guoyou introduced that after selecting the material according to the creator’s intention, the preliminary process can be started to form a rough embryo, following by carving and completing the details of the whole work, especially the important parts of the figures, such as their facial details, during which makes it more and more vivid. To wrap it up, end with polishing the work smooth and delicate.

Photo taken on Dec. 7, 2020 shows Xiao Guoyou making designing exercises. (Huang Zhenghua/Guangming Picture)

In the 1st “Folk Craftsmen” Skills Competition held in Neijiang in May this year, Xiao Guoyou was recognized by the raters and people from all walks of life for his exquisite skills and charming carving artworks. He was presented the honoured title of "Outstanding Folk Craftsmen" in Neijiang. “This encouraged me greatly. I feel surer that my chase for the artistic career will last forever. I hope that while I continue to improve my skills of fruit pit carving, my dedication can in some way help more people to know about this culture and jointly make the effort to inherit and develop it,” Xiao Guo you said.

Photo taken on Dec. 7, 2020 shows Xiao Guoyou making live broadcast of fruit pit carving. (Huang Zhenghua/Guangming Picture)

[责任编辑: WXY ] 游戏网




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