



玩具专营店想了解WOW!STUFF哈利波特 14英寸发光魔仗这款产品,在哪能看到产品介绍?

玩具专营店想了解WOW!STUFF哈利波特 14英寸发光魔仗这款产品,在哪能看到产品介绍?



2021-12-10 16:49:53

乐高这次推出的《哈利波特》系列盒组「对角巷」精致度破表,总共5544块积木,拼出总长度102cm的对角巷街道,里面包含奥利凡德魔杖店、韦斯莱魔法把戏坊、华丽与污痕书店、疾书文具店、优质魁地奇用品商店、预言家报社与伏林·伏德秋冰淇淋店,粉丝们看到迷你魔杖、飞天扫帚等魔法用品,马上就会想起哈利每次开学前去对角巷采买的场景。I'm Oliver Phelps, played George Weasley, or this giant, in the Harry Potter movies.我是奥利弗·菲尔普斯,饰演乔治·韦斯莱,或者说是这位小巨人,在哈利波特系列电影中。I'm James Phelps, and I played Fred Weasley, or this guy, in all the Harry Potter films.我是詹姆斯·菲尔普斯,饰演弗雷德·韦斯莱,这个人,在哈利波特全系列电影中。It's the first time we've seen the set, and the guys told us, the rough size of it.我们第一次看到这个场景,我们听说只是粗糙版本。But seeing this is, wow, it's huge.真实看到的时候还是觉得,哇,壮观。It turns out just like the actual detail was gone into it.所有的细节都在里面。There're so many, you know, like intricate parts.有很多很精细的部分。From the broomsticks to Scabbers just hiding in the attic up here, Daily Prophets, they actually got printed on it says, the boy who lived.从飞天扫帚到藏在阁楼上的斑斑,还有这些《预言家日报》,写着"大难不死的男孩"。I think the cool thing about it is you can spend all day looking at it and come back the next day and still, new stuff to do.我觉得它最酷的地方在于,你可以研究一整天,第二天还能发现更多东西。I can't express how excited I am to see ourselves as Lego characters.第一次看到我们自己变成乐高小人,这感受我无法形容。What I really like it as well is that they are individual.我最喜欢它的一点是它们很有个人特色。'Cause when we actually filmed with the vests with different colours, and that's exactly the same here, so I know that's me.我们拍电影时就穿着颜色不同的马甲,在这里也很还原,所以我知道那个是我。James was definitely the more artistic one of us, who would making these intricate rocket ships and stuff.詹姆斯肯定是我们之中更有艺术感的那个,他喜欢拼装那些很复杂的火箭飞船模型什么的。During the start of the lockdown, I actually built the Saturn V rocket.刚开始隔离在家时,我拼了个土星五号运载火箭。And my wife obviously caught me playing with it as well as you have to.我妻子当然发现我玩这些了,一看我就知道。As a count-down work.像倒数计时那种。As a count-down work. (It's a little bit too much. )是的,倒数计时。(太难为你了。)Definitely, but as a whole large scale of Legos it always seems to be a constant thrill.确实,不过拼大型乐高的过程总是能让人兴奋的。The great thing about Lego and what I love is that it's timeless.关于乐高最棒的也是我最爱的一点就是,它不受时间限制。You can step away from it for a day, a decade.你可以一天不拼它,也可以十年不拼它。It doesn't matter, because you can still get straight back to it until you want to stop doing it.都可以,因为你随时都能回来继续拼,直到不想为止。It's such a great way to switch off from the rest of the world.这是一个从现实世界中脱离出来的好办法。In turn you will find out you just really dive into this.你会发现它真能让你如痴如醉。So Ron says, how much for this?罗恩问,这个多少钱?5 Galleons.五加隆。You do Ron's words.你来演罗恩。I'm your brother.(罗恩说)我可是你们弟弟。10 Galleons.那加隆。Annoyed.生气了。Walks off from the house.走出房子。The cool thing about the film set is they're from the outside, there were stuff going on behind it as well.这个电影场景很酷的一点在于,它不只是外围的视角,还能看到幕后的故事。We see exactly what was happened here.我们也能看到这里发生的事情。So it is pretty much like a miniature film set.所以它真的很像一部小型电影场景。Yeah, and also because it's not just maybe from one film, it's from the highlighting on a lot of different films, like from the first one, the Ollivander's.对,而且不只是一部电影,是很多部电影的精彩片段,比如第一部的奥利凡德魔杖商店。And actually when we did the second movie, we were here in the book store.我们拍第二部的时候,我们是在这个书店里。When they were setting up in there, we still had to stay nearby, so Oliver and I we actually go to the Quidditch supply store.他们在里面布景时,我们不能离得太远,所以奥利弗和我就去了这家魁地奇精品商店。We actually hanged around in there and it's exactly the same as when we were filming.我们在这里逛了一会儿,所以和我们拍电影时完全一样。And then we'll see the most important one.然后我们就可以看到最重要的场景了。Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. The best one. (Yeah, the best one. )韦斯莱魔法把戏坊。最棒的。(没错,最棒的。)It's so very close to our heart as well, but equally the details in it are so extreme.它和我们想象的很接近,同样有如此精致的细节。I'm blown away by it, I really am.我真的被惊到了。James, myself and Rupert Grint, in the off time, when we were filming, there was a lot of waiting around, we actually made a Lego film.詹姆斯,我,还有鲁伯特·格林特,拍摄间隙,有很多空闲时间,我们真的拍了一部乐高电影。We tried to get them to put it into the DVD extras, but. . .我们本想让他们把我们的电影放进DVD花絮里……Whether they didn't see our vision for the project on that. . .他们没看到我们这个项目的前景……It was a really good film, it was with the sharks, swimming, and eating someone.那真的是部好电影,里面有鲨鱼,有人游泳,有人被吃。Any actor would say if you can go to a set and build for your character, you are doing well.演员如果能建立自己的角色,你就做的很好。







玩具专营店想了解WOW!STUFF哈利波特 14英寸发光魔仗这款产品,在哪能看到产品介绍?

最佳答案 2021-12-10 16:49:53

乐高这次推出的《哈利波特》系列盒组「对角巷」精致度破表,总共5544块积木,拼出总长度102cm的对角巷街道,里面包含奥利凡德魔杖店、韦斯莱魔法把戏坊、华丽与污痕书店、疾书文具店、优质魁地奇用品商店、预言家报社与伏林·伏德秋冰淇淋店,粉丝们看到迷你魔杖、飞天扫帚等魔法用品,马上就会想起哈利每次开学前去对角巷采买的场景。I'm Oliver Phelps, played George Weasley, or this giant, in the Harry Potter movies.我是奥利弗·菲尔普斯,饰演乔治·韦斯莱,或者说是这位小巨人,在哈利波特系列电影中。I'm James Phelps, and I played Fred Weasley, or this guy, in all the Harry Potter films.我是詹姆斯·菲尔普斯,饰演弗雷德·韦斯莱,这个人,在哈利波特全系列电影中。It's the first time we've seen the set, and the guys told us, the rough size of it.我们第一次看到这个场景,我们听说只是粗糙版本。But seeing this is, wow, it's huge.真实看到的时候还是觉得,哇,壮观。It turns out just like the actual detail was gone into it.所有的细节都在里面。There're so many, you know, like intricate parts.有很多很精细的部分。From the broomsticks to Scabbers just hiding in the attic up here, Daily Prophets, they actually got printed on it says, the boy who lived.从飞天扫帚到藏在阁楼上的斑斑,还有这些《预言家日报》,写着"大难不死的男孩"。I think the cool thing about it is you can spend all day looking at it and come back the next day and still, new stuff to do.我觉得它最酷的地方在于,你可以研究一整天,第二天还能发现更多东西。I can't express how excited I am to see ourselves as Lego characters.第一次看到我们自己变成乐高小人,这感受我无法形容。What I really like it as well is that they are individual.我最喜欢它的一点是它们很有个人特色。'Cause when we actually filmed with the vests with different colours, and that's exactly the same here, so I know that's me.我们拍电影时就穿着颜色不同的马甲,在这里也很还原,所以我知道那个是我。James was definitely the more artistic one of us, who would making these intricate rocket ships and stuff.詹姆斯肯定是我们之中更有艺术感的那个,他喜欢拼装那些很复杂的火箭飞船模型什么的。During the start of the lockdown, I actually built the Saturn V rocket.刚开始隔离在家时,我拼了个土星五号运载火箭。And my wife obviously caught me playing with it as well as you have to.我妻子当然发现我玩这些了,一看我就知道。As a count-down work.像倒数计时那种。As a count-down work. (It's a little bit too much. )是的,倒数计时。(太难为你了。)Definitely, but as a whole large scale of Legos it always seems to be a constant thrill.确实,不过拼大型乐高的过程总是能让人兴奋的。The great thing about Lego and what I love is that it's timeless.关于乐高最棒的也是我最爱的一点就是,它不受时间限制。You can step away from it for a day, a decade.你可以一天不拼它,也可以十年不拼它。It doesn't matter, because you can still get straight back to it until you want to stop doing it.都可以,因为你随时都能回来继续拼,直到不想为止。It's such a great way to switch off from the rest of the world.这是一个从现实世界中脱离出来的好办法。In turn you will find out you just really dive into this.你会发现它真能让你如痴如醉。So Ron says, how much for this?罗恩问,这个多少钱?5 Galleons.五加隆。You do Ron's words.你来演罗恩。I'm your brother.(罗恩说)我可是你们弟弟。10 Galleons.那加隆。Annoyed.生气了。Walks off from the house.走出房子。The cool thing about the film set is they're from the outside, there were stuff going on behind it as well.这个电影场景很酷的一点在于,它不只是外围的视角,还能看到幕后的故事。We see exactly what was happened here.我们也能看到这里发生的事情。So it is pretty much like a miniature film set.所以它真的很像一部小型电影场景。Yeah, and also because it's not just maybe from one film, it's from the highlighting on a lot of different films, like from the first one, the Ollivander's.对,而且不只是一部电影,是很多部电影的精彩片段,比如第一部的奥利凡德魔杖商店。And actually when we did the second movie, we were here in the book store.我们拍第二部的时候,我们是在这个书店里。When they were setting up in there, we still had to stay nearby, so Oliver and I we actually go to the Quidditch supply store.他们在里面布景时,我们不能离得太远,所以奥利弗和我就去了这家魁地奇精品商店。We actually hanged around in there and it's exactly the same as when we were filming.我们在这里逛了一会儿,所以和我们拍电影时完全一样。And then we'll see the most important one.然后我们就可以看到最重要的场景了。Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. The best one. (Yeah, the best one. )韦斯莱魔法把戏坊。最棒的。(没错,最棒的。)It's so very close to our heart as well, but equally the details in it are so extreme.它和我们想象的很接近,同样有如此精致的细节。I'm blown away by it, I really am.我真的被惊到了。James, myself and Rupert Grint, in the off time, when we were filming, there was a lot of waiting around, we actually made a Lego film.詹姆斯,我,还有鲁伯特·格林特,拍摄间隙,有很多空闲时间,我们真的拍了一部乐高电影。We tried to get them to put it into the DVD extras, but. . .我们本想让他们把我们的电影放进DVD花絮里……Whether they didn't see our vision for the project on that. . .他们没看到我们这个项目的前景……It was a really good film, it was with the sharks, swimming, and eating someone.那真的是部好电影,里面有鲨鱼,有人游泳,有人被吃。Any actor would say if you can go to a set and build for your character, you are doing well.演员如果能建立自己的角色,你就做的很好。

